Muiriosa Foundation is scheduled under the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act 2014 as a public body/body receiving significant public funds and our records are subject to the legislation. Its primary purpose is to promote transparency and accountability and it encompasses records of living and deceased individuals.
The Act provides that every person has the following legal rights:
- The right to access official records held by all bodies who are subject to the Act
- The right to have personal information held on them corrected or updated where such information is incomplete, incorrect or misleading
- The right to be given reasons for decisions taken by public bodies that affect them.
These rights mean that people can seek access to personal information held on them.
Records which come within the scope of the Act include:
- Records relating to personal information irrespective of when they were created
- All other records created from the commencement of the FOI Act (21 April 1998)
- Any records necessary to the understanding of a current record even if created prior to 21 April 1998.
It is not always necessary to use the Freedom of Information Act to request information.
A large amount of information is already available to the public. Section 8 of the Act requires that we prepare and publish information in an open and accessible manner on a routine basis outside of FOI, provided that it is not prohibited by law. This is known as the Model Publication Scheme, and there is a link to the Scheme below.
You may also seek information through a normal Administrative Access request or call to the Service.