Siobhán Bryan

Chief Executive

Siobhán has over 20 years’ experience working in the Disability sector with the earlier part of her career working within autism specific services. Siobhán was appointed as Chief Executive Officer of the Muiríosa Foundation in February 2019. Siobhán initially trained in social care, working in frontline services before taking on a number of leadership roles, including Team Leader, HIQA Co-ordinator, Director of Services, and interim CEO of Gheel Autism Services. During this time, Siobhán undertook a degree in Quality Management. Siobhán is passionate about ensuring all citizens of the state with a disability are supported to have a good life. Siobhán’s vision is to support people to live ordinary lives in ordinary places! Siobhán joined the Board of Inclusion Ireland as a Director in November 2020 and is extremely grateful for the opportunity to support this remarkable organisation to advocate on behalf of citizens with a disability across Ireland

Siobhan Bryan
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