Foreword Complaints Policy, Brendan Broderick, CEO, 20/08/2014
As your service provider, we are heavily dependent on your feedback as to whether we are getting it right, where we are getting it right, and where we are getting it wrong. If you have any concern or confusion, do not hesitate to pick up the phone or to make an appointment with the person best positioned to deal with your concern.
We have stressed with all our staff members how important such contact is and have urged them to be as attentive and as thorough as possible in how they respond to such queries. Never think that we will view such queries from you as bothersome, irritating, interfering or inconsequential. Banish especially any thoughts or anxieties you might have that you might be viewed as “ungrateful” or “difficult” because of concerns you have raised. Service users and their families must not feel in any way beholden to the service provider because of the service they are receiving – or feel that there is a risk of jeopardising this service if the service user or family raises a question or complaint.
Our general advice to you is to raise your concern at the most local level – to the key worker, if one has been formally nominated, or to the immediate line-manager/Person-in-Charge. If you do not get satisfaction at this level, do not hesitate to move it to the next level...
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